TEHRAN, Nov. 22 (MNA) – Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said that IAEA officials’ visit to Iran will be done within a framework of a program that is discussed and agreed upon.

Vice President Mohammad Eslami made the remarks on Wednesday evening and referred to the upcoming visit of IAEA chief to Iran and added that the visit of IAEA’s officials to Iran is carried out within the framework of agreements made between Iran and IAEA.

Talks between Iran and UN nuclear watchdog are still ongoing until reaching "a specific and implementable program", Eslami emphasized.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the AEOI head pointed to the start of uranium enrichment to 60 percent purity at Fordow nuclear facility and stressed that political pressure and widespread sanctions on Iran is not the solution and has not any effect.

If the three European countries including UK, France and Germany as well as the United States seek to prove goodwill and intend to return to their unfulfilled obligations, the solution is to adhere to their commitments envisioned in that document (JCPOA).

The law of Strategic Action Plan on the Removal of anti-Iran Sanctions approved in the Iranian parliament at the end of December 2020 is the criterion in the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, he said, adding that Iran started enriching uranium at 60% purity in Shahid Ali-Mohammadi Nuclear Facility (Fordow) as well as measures were taken to create new chains for enriching uranium at Shahid Ahmadi Roshan Nuclear site (Natanz).

The vice president emphasized that all measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran are within the framework of IAEA rules and regulations and have been carried out in the presence of IAEA’s inspectors.
