Publish Date: 23 October 2022 - 16:50

TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) – Turning to the negotiations process, a member of the Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said that Iran had announced a year ago that JCPOA is not first priority of its foreign policies.  

Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini made the comments in an interview with Mehr on Sunday, recalling the point that the 13th government under President Raeisi has vowed the country has not tied its economy to JCPOA.

Responding to the recent remarks of US Special Envoy for Iran Affairs Robert Malley on this issue that JCPOA is not the US government’s priority, he noted that "it is fortunate that the US government has reached this point JCPOA is not a priority."

The current administration of President Raeisi had clearly announced a year ago, when the 13th government assumed office, that JCPOA is not in the first priority of foreign policies and programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Abbaszadeh Meshkini reemphasized.

In response to a question on analyzing the shift in the West's stance after one year, the lawmaker said, "how do you know that the US government has changed its position and how do you know that it (US) is not sending other messages?"

He explained that the US actions do not match its words, saying, "Usually, the US government's declarative and practical positions are different from each other, that is to say, that what the US officials and their media say has been focused on one thing but what they do in practice is a different approach," he continued.

In response to another question on whether the US government has again requested direct talks with Iran, he said that the most important thing is that Iran has no problem with direct talks with the US government, even, this event happened once at the level of foreign ministers between the then Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and the US Secretary of State John Kerry.

But, the lawmaker pointed out, it was the United States that reneged on its commitments and promises. 

The US government’s goal in announcing that the JCPOA is not its priority is to send a message to the country and society to foment chaos and riot in Iran, he said, adding that as soon as something small occurs in the streets of Iran, western media exaggerate it and convey a message of instability to other communities and societies."

He further told Washington "Game over," noting that Washington will continue to plot against Iran while the country will be ready to thwart US conspiracies. 
