TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) – The Islamic Development Coordination Council in a statement on Monday condemned the crime committed by Saudi Arabia in the execution of 81 oppressed people of the country.

"The great crimes and brutal attacks committed by the Saudi Arabian government against Muslims abroad including in Yemen as well as the massacre and brutal killing of the oppressed and innocent people of Saudi Arabia under false excuses alarm the collapse of reactionary foundations of the dictatorial and child-killing regime of Al Saud.

It is not surprising that the regime of Al Saud executes 81 innocent people, including more than 40 Shias and a number of Yemeni fighters, in one single day on the false accusation of terrorist acts, because, this regime has been founded based on the policy of savagery and brutality since its establishment.

While strongly condemning this heinous crime, Islamic Development Coordination Council believes that such crimes can only be committed at the behest of the US government and Zionist regime and calls on all freedom-seeking people and international organizations, especially human rights organizations, to condemn the heinous act of Saudi Arabian government and voice their support for innocent people of this country especially oppressed Shiite people" the statement read. 

Saudi Arabia on Saturday executed 81 people convicted of a variety of crimes, including killings and belonging to militant groups, in the largest mass execution conducted by the kingdom in recent memory.
