TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (MNA) –Referring to anomaly presence of Macron in the Baghdad Conference and Paris' destructive role in the region, Berletic says France like the US presents itself as the solution to extremism and conflict while in fact driving it.

Iraq hosted a regional conference, bringing Iraqi neighboring countries and the countries of the region together to support Iraq ahead of early elections. Surprisingly France's president that his country has a destructive role in supporting terrorist groups active against the interests of the regional countries was present in the meeting while Syria as an important country was absent. 

To know more about the issue we discussed it with Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic Bangkok-based American geopolitical researcher.

How effective do you see the significance of the Bagdad Summit in reducing regional tensions?

More dialogue is always preferable to less, and just getting representatives from these different nations together is a success in and of itself. On the other hand, the source of regional tensions emanates far beyond it, in Washington. Ultimately the foreign policies of those attending reflect this, and in many cases are proxies of Washington's agenda. Without addressing the US and its role in driving regional tensions, success cannot be expected, unless of course, the goal is to offer proxies of Washington's influence a better alternative and a path out from under US primacy. 

France itself is one of the backers of terrorist groups in the region, what do you think of Macron's presence at the summit?

France continues to play the same double game the US plays - presenting itself as the solution to extremism and conflict while in fact driving it very deliberately. It is good to have France appear at the summit so that upon its conclusion, regional media can make the public aware that France has most certainly heard from each stakeholder and then if France continues on the same path it has traveled down - side-by-side with Washington - it is doing so very deliberately and this summit may serve as a means of cementing that fact - of France's bad faith - in the minds of public both regionally and globally. 

Don’t you think that the summit could have had better results if all regional countries were present including Syria?

Syria's current crisis is directly linked to Iraq and Iran's fate - all part of Washington's ambitions to divide and destroy all three and impose its influence over the ruins. In many ways the US already has partially accomplished this with US troops remaining in Iraq and also continuing their illegal occupation of Syrian territory. In order to truly address this crisis, all of those involved in it should be present when it's discussed. Whether or not this would have rendered better results is debatable. At this current juncture - while dialogue is always welcomed - the balance of power in the region is still tilted in favor of US-sponsored destabilization and conflict and against truly resolving anything. But America's disruptive presence in the region did not arrive overnight, and will not be evicted from the region or transformed into constructive ties overnight. It will require many more summits and other continued efforts in order to tilt the balance in favor of peace and prosperity. 

Interview by Payman Yazdani