TEHRAN, Jun. 15 (MNA) – Islamic Republic of Iran became a member of Board of Directors of International Labor Organization (ILO) for fourth consecutive time.

According to the Ministry of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare, the election of the Board of Directors of International Labor Organization for 2021-2024 was held on June 14 and Islamic Republic of Iran became a member of the Board of Directors of ILO for fourth consecutive term with the majority votes of participating member states of this Organization.

It should be noted that the Board of Directors of International Labor Organization has 56 members who are elected for four-year terms by the vote of member states of this Organization.

The election of the International Labor Organization’s Board of Directors for the new term should have been held in 2020 but it was postponed due to the spread of coronavirus, COVID-19, disease and was slated to be held in the current year.
