TEHRAN, May 26 (MNA) – Presidential Candidate Bashar al-Assad cast his vote in presidential elections in Douma City, Damascus Countryside on Wednesday.

Bashar Al-Assad and his wife have cast their votes in the presidential elections in Douma city in Damascus countryside.

The Syrian people are united against terrorism, and Syria does not pay attention to what the Western countries say about the elections, and their opinions have no value, said Assad after casting his vote.

Syrians on Wednesday morning head for the polling stations to cast their votes and choose the president of the Syrian Arab Republic from among three candidates: Abdullah Abdullah, Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Mar’ai, while determined to achieve the success of this entitlement which is a sovereign national entitlement, SANA reported.

With the completion of the preparations for the judicial subcommittees in the provinces and the suspend of all forms of electoral propaganda campaigns for the candidates, 12,102 election centers opened today in all provinces for Syrian citizens, as the number of eligible voters registered inside and abroad Syria has reached more than 18 million.

The committees at the polling stations in the Syrian provinces opened the ballot boxes to the committees’ members and the candidates’ agents to ensure that they are empty of any paper and re-closed them in preparation for the start of the citizens’ voting.
