TEHRAN, May 04 (MNA) – Officers from the National Intelligence and Investigation Agency under the Iraqi Ministry of Interior have arrested the leader of one of the detachments belonging ISIL terrorist group. 

 Abu Ali al-Jamili was reportedly the governor of Fallujah in the IP hierarchy, News Wep reported.

It was revealed that he was acting as an ISIL postman among the bases of this terrorist group.

He was wanted for a long time and was suspected of carrying out terrorist acts.

According to Iraqi special services, he joined the al-Qaeda terrorist organization in 2005, then was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison, but was released in 2011, according to TASS.

Al-Jamili then took part in the formation of ISIL militants, carried out terrorist operations in Syria for some time, then returned to Iraq and was first appointed “Deputy Governor of Mosul” and then “Governor of Fallujah”.