TEHRAN, Apr. 03 (MNA) – Russia has warned NATO against deploying troops to Ukraine, saying such a move would escalate tensions near its borders, amid renewed fears over the region’s long-simmering conflict.

Moscow’s comments came after NATO voiced concern on Thursday over what it said was a large Russian military build-up near eastern Ukraine, with leading member the United States pledging to stand by Ukraine in the event of any military conflict, Aljazeera reported.

Renewed front-line clashes have gripped the region in recent weeks.

Russia earlier said an escalation in the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbass region could “destroy” Ukraine.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday that the situation at the contact line in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian government forces and separatist forces was concerning, and that multiple “provocations” were taking place there.

Peskov also said Russia would be forced to respond if NATO troops were deployed to Ukraine as he insisted Russia was not threatening Ukraine.

“There is no doubt such a scenario would lead to a further increase in tensions close to Russia’s borders. Of course, this would call for additional measures from the Russian side to ensure its security,” he said, without specifying which measures would be adopted.

“Russia is not threatening anyone, it has never threatened anyone.”