Publish Date: 6 January 2021 - 18:41

TEHRAN, Jan. 06 (MNA) – Egypt will open its airspace with Qatar, but the implementation will be contingent on the fulfillment of Egyptian requirements.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is willing to open his country’s airspace and restore direct flights between Cairo and Doha, a source told media outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

According to the report, Egypt informed Saudi Arabia and US officials that it is open to lifting travel restrictions imposed on Qatar as part of the blockade, which was declared in 2017 after it severed its diplomatic ties with the Gulf state.

The source also claimed Cairo changed its position in recent days in light of “a state of mistrust”, suggesting it was now focusing on developing relations with Riyadh instead of Abu Dhabi, as it does not serve Egypt’s best interest.