The film has been directed by Maasja Ooms, who is keen on narrating the teenagers' life. And this love shines through in every scene in Punks, in which she follows a group of Dutch youngsters at a farm in France.
They are there under a temporary supervision order, because their parents cannot, or will no longer, take care of them. A moving and impressively sincere record of the confusing process of growing up.
Watching Ooms’ Punks makes you wonder how she managed to gain their trust, as they seem to have no inhibitions whatsoever in front of her camera. She shows them in all of their complexities: tough and tender, cheerful and confused, hurt and hopeful, caring and cheating, loving and hating.
She never comments, instead of letting all the words, looks, and actions speak for themselves. Now and again she poses a question, out of genuine interest, generating honest answers.
The Iranian festival has several sections including the National, International, and Martyr Avini Prize, Entrepreneurship Documentary Competition, Corona Virus Special Section, Side Sections, and commemorations.
In the meantime, several expert workshops, master talks as well as masterclasses will be held in this international cinematic event.
The national competition section comprises short, mid-length, and feature-length documentaries.
The international section of this edition will be held in a non-competition format due to the spread of Coronavirus.
The international section of the festival also enjoys numerous non-competition sections such Special Displays, Mirror of a Festival, Portrait, Perspective of One Country Documentary Cinema, Chile Documentary Cinema, Masters of 2020 as well as 13 Editions & 13 Films.
Due to the spread of Coronavirus, this edition of the festival will be held in online and remote format via utilizing the national platform in the country.
According to the director of the festival Mohammad Hamidi-Moqaddam, so far, 894 films have been submitted to the different sections of the event.