Publish Date: 22 October 2020 - 19:53

TEHRAN, Oct. 22 (MNA) – Islamic Republic of Iran joined the world club of countries which have long-range radars on Thursday.

In the joint specialized air defense military exercise entitled “Modafe'an-e Aseman-e Velayat (Defenders of Velayat Skies “Ghadir, Moragheb and Bashir radar systems successfully detected and identified various targets over the general area of the exercise and for this, Islamic Republic of Iran joined the club of countries of long-range radars.

Benefited from the very complicated and sophisticated technology, Ghadir radar system is a fully indigenous product designed and built by experts and elites at the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

The system has a complicated technology to which just few world countries have access.

On the sidelines of the military exercise, the Deputy Coordinator of IRGC Aerospace Force Fereydoun Mohammadi Saghaei said that enemies will be surprised by the country's capabilities in due time.

He pointed to the role of IRGC Aerospace Force in this military exercise, he said, “In this exercise, a new generation of equipment and systems of radar, missiles, electronic warfare, command and control of the IRGC Air Force (including Ghadir, Bashir, Matla’ al-Fajr radars and Khordad 3 and Tabas systems, produced by experts and elite of IRGC) used in the form of an integrated air defense network with the operational guidance and control of the country's air defense base.”

Successful performance of indigenized missile defense systems of IRGC Aerospace Force in detecting, intercepting and destroying the targets is of the salient turning point and strengths of the military exercise, he added.
