TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – Colonel Anatoly Tsyganok, a member of the Russian Center for Political-Military Studies believes that the recent IRGC's military exercise was a serious warning to the enemies of Iran, especially the United States.

Tsyganok told IRNA that during the recent military exercise of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Iran demonstrated its strength in the sea and air, as well as its progress in this field.

He added that Iran has repeatedly stated that it does not seek any war, conflict and tension in the region, adding that but Iran is always preparing its military equipment to repel any aggression against its territory and ensure its security.

Tsyganok noted that the exercise once again demonstrated Iran's strengths in having fast naval units and long-range tactical missiles.

He added that with such armed forces in Iran, no country would dare to attack it because it would most likely have to accept defeat and retreat with heavy casualties.

The final stage of Payambar-e Azam 14 military drill wrapped up on Friday. The war game was jointly carried out by IRGC’s Navy and Aerospace forces in the south of the country, near Strait of Hormuz. IRGC also unveiled a new achievement in the drill namely the launching of ballistic missiles from the underground without the ordinary platforms for the first time in the world.
