TEHRAN, May 18 (MNA) – Lawmakers at the Iranian Parliament approved the generalities of a motion which obliges the government to take certain measures against hostile moves of the Israeli regime.

In its open session on Monday, legislators in the Iranian Parliament ratified the outlines of a motion to counter hostile moves of the Zionist regime against regional and international peace and security.

The motion had no objection and was approved unanimously by parliamentarians. After the approval of the motion, legislators chanted ‘Death to Israel” in the Parliament.

The motion includes 16 articles and lawmakers are mulling over its details.

The motion prohibits any direct or indirect cooperation with real or legal persons from the Zionist regime in exhibitions, conferences, and gatherings. 

Any cooperation or espionage in favor of the Zionist regime will be considered as Muharebeh (waging war against God) and corruption.

Accordingly, it is forbidden for Iranian citizens to travel to the occupied Palestinian territories, in addition, all Zionists are prohibited from entering the Islamic Republic.

The motion, which deals with hostile actions of the Israeli regime against regional peace and security, was initially addressed on the May 12 session of the Parliament.
