Publish Date: 13 April 2020 - 09:35

TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) – A total of $73 million worth of handicrafts were exported from Tehran province during the last fiscal year (ended on March 19), the provincial tourism chief said.

Parham Janfeshan added that the capital’s exports mainly included traditional glassware, hand-woven products, zilou floor coverings, decoration stones, and traditional personal ornamentations.

Over 14,000 artists are working in 1,000 workshops in Tehran.

Tehran exported some $84 million worth of handicrafts a year before (March 2018-2019).

The handicraft sector enjoys huge potentials, which if exploited properly, would lead to a great transformation in the country’s production and exports of cultural and artistic items.

Currently, Iran’s annual handicrafts amount to $200 million.

Among the numerous types of handicrafts in Iran, the most well-known are felts, tribal rugs, glasswork, pottery, ceramics and tiles, traditional furniture, copper and brass ornaments, woodwork (including mosaic, wood carving and inlaid), enamel work and engravings.
