TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) – Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah lashed out at the US for its corruptive role in hindering Lebanon’s path of development.

“The US has always been an obstacle vis a vis Lebanese to make any developments or reformations,” Nasrallah said on Friday in a speech made at the memorial ceremony held for the departure of the Islamic researcher Sayyed Jaafar Mortada.

“The American role creates disruption and crises,” added the Hezbollah chief, Al-Manar reported.

Stressing the resistance’s stance against the hostile measures of the US, he said, “The resistance always keeps its promise and is always ready to defend the Lebanese territories.”

Regarding the recent unrest in the country, he said, “We call for dialogue between political parties, parliamentarians, and honest protest leaders.”

“Our country needs everyone and everyone must shoulder his responsibility,” he stressed.

Noting that “Hezbollah was never in control of any government that passed,” he said, “This is only an attempt to hold Hezbollah responsible for the corruption in the country.”

“Even when we say that we don’t support the resignation of any government, it is for the sake of the country not Hezbollah’s,” he underlined.

Pointing to the resignation of PM Saad Hariri, Nasrallah said, the resistance did not support his resignation. “It was his choice and he had his own reasons.”

“Now the Prime Minister resigned, this means that the whole government fell, so there is no chance to implement any form of reformations or have an economic hope, we just have to wait.”

Nasrallah further said, “Whatever the new government was formed of, its major goals must be to regain the people’s trust. This is why this government must have all the trustworthy elements: Seriousness, constant work, setting priorities, clearance and transparency.”

“We never asked protestors to leave the streets, we asked them to give change for the government to make reformations,” he added.

Elsewhere, he commented on an Israeli drone that was targeted yesterday by the resistance in the Lebanese skies, saying, “This proves that the resistance has a military leadership that works without getting influenced by any internal developments.”
