TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) – Russia encourages the establishment of dialogue between Syrian Kurds and the government in Damascus as Turkey is set to embark on a military operation in northeastern Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

"We contacted both the representatives of the Kurdish side and the representatives of the government and confirmed that we are encouraging them to start a dialogue to resolve the problems of this part of Syria, including the problems of ensuring security on the Turkish-Syrian border. As before, this is the only way to achieve stability," he said at a news conference in Kazakhstan.

According to AFP, Lavrov also warned that recent moves from the United States could "ignite" the entire region again. Meanwhile, Commander of the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces General Mazloum Kobani told NBC on Tuesday that he too is considering partnering with the Syrian government after the US decided to pull out of the conflict.