TEHRAN, Sep. 15 (MNA) – Muhammad Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, has expressed his appreciation for the recent drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities, adding that the US is behind the continuation of the aggression on Yemen.

In a tweet on his Twitter account, the member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council Muhammad Ali al-Houthi has reacted to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarks claiming that Iran had a hand in the yesterday’s drone attacks on oil facilities in the east of Saudi Arabia.

"The US handles the anti-Yemeni coalition, and Washington opposes all parties that want peace, including Congress. That's why Adel al-Jubair (Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs) and Turki al-Maliki (anti-Yemen coalition spokesman) say the war has been imposed on them."

Al-Houthi expressed his appreciation to the Yemeni air forces for the yesterday's drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities in the east of the country, adding that the US has to account for the aggression on Yemen.

The Yemeni official said that claims Mike Pompeo made against Iran showed that he only seeks his gains in the region.

He also said that the Americans are blackmailing and milking the Arab states.

He added that they have no choice but to face the reality if the region.
