TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) – Tehran's interim Friday prayers leader Kazem Sedighi warned the Iranian officials not to be deceived by Europe’s promises, saying that while the US animosity is apparent, the Europeans are also practicing deception today.

Addressing a large gathering of Tehraners during Friday prayers sermon, Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi said European officials are not different from the Americans, and at the times of difficulty, they will pull the rug from under our feet.

“We should be careful and try to solve the internal problems by relying on own capabilities and following the instructions of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,” Sedighi added.

Pointing to the recent nation-wide floods, which killed dozens of people and injured and displaced many others, Sedighi hailed the efforts made by people and the armed forces to salvage the situation, saying that the incident made the nation more united, and our people, once again, proved that they will never leave each other when facing challenges.

He also referred to the recent move by the US to label the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group, saying that while the US’ enmity with Iran has always been apparent, the move has made the Iranian armed forces more united and heightened IRGC’s position in people’s view.
