In a statement on Friday, Ghasemi expressed satisfaction that a majority of FATF members were not influenced by political pressure of the US, which with the help of a few of its allies, the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia, was misusing its temporary presidency over the body to return Iran to the body’s blacklist.
However, Ghasemi censured parts of the FATF statement, which said Iran’s measures have not met full expectations.
The spokesman said FATF should avoid political motivations and just pay attention to technical dimensions.
“According to technical reports sent to the body, most of technical measures requested under Iran’s action plan have been completely implemented and the remaining will go into effect after legal process related to the three [parliamentary] bills were completed,” he said.
“Hence, the FATF meeting was expected to take into account these realities and avoid using some negative phrases in the statement,” he said.
Ghasemi condemned the insistence of the US delegation that the body must refuse to extend the deadline for Iran, and said the approach results from the extremist and delusional policy of the White House.
The spokesman said the FATF basis for evaluating countries’ conditions has so far been their technical measures and the group’s decisions must not be influenced by political pressures of a country that has grown accustomed to bullying and unilateralism in the international scene.
“The US has shown it is not a trustworthy member of the international community as it takes unilateral moves to destroy all achievements of multilateralism. FATF members should consider this important issue when making future decisions,” he said.