TEHRAN, Sep. 27 (MNA) – Iran’s foreign ministry has dismissed the anti-Iran remarks made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a meeting called “United Against Nuclear Iran Summit”, saying that Washington is getting more and more isolated day by day as a result of its bullying behavior.

According to the official website of Iranian Foreign Ministry, in response to a report published at the summit regarding Iran’s measures and activities, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said the world and all independent states today are determined to show their will to respect international agreements, international law, and the responsibility of governments by implementing the nuclear accord.

In a statement on Wednesday, Ghasemi said that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a committed country on this path, has accompanied other states based on its routine policy despite the unfaithfulness of the evil-minded parties that have not fulfilled their international obligations so far. 

“Relying on wisdom, logic and its civilized behaviour and policies, Tehran cooperated with them to safeguard its legitimate interests in the nuclear deal,” noted Ghasemi.  

He further mentioned that today, it is the US government which is becoming more and more isolated as a result of its bullying behaviours against other countries.

“The positions expressed by various countries at the United Nations General Assembly and even at the recent UN Security Council meeting showed that the US government is more than ever indifferent to the nations of the world.” 

The Iranian official further noted that there is a fact in what the US Secretary of State said in his report. “That is the disappointment of US officials in realization of their dream of isolating Iran in the global arena in recent months; the dreams that were inculcated in the US officials by the claims of some terrorist groups and anti-Iran centres.”

Ghasemi also emphasized that there was nothing new in the allegations raised in the statements of the US Secretary of State against the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

It was exactly the same things the United States has always been saying over the past 40 years with different word choices, he underlined. 

“The important point that makes the Iranians proud of the Islamic Republic is that despite all these hostilities and conspiracies Iran has become more powerful and stable than before. It uses its full potential and resources to maintain the interests of the country and the Iranian nation.”

“The Islamic Republic would never let its authority and defence capabilities be overshadowed by the hostilities of countries like the United States. Tehran is sure that it will pass these tests successfully as well,” he added.