A committee consisting of the representatives from the foreign ministry, oil ministry and the ministry of roads and urban development met on Tuesday afternoon in order to investigate into the latest conditions of the crew members of the Iranian oil tanker that collided with a freighter off China coast. The committee has been formed to expedite the process of investigation, improve coordination between Iranian and Chinese officials and create a center for adopting necessary decisions.
On Tuesday morning, President Rouhani addressed a session formed to discuss the latest situation of the Iranian oil tanker and ordered the foreign, oil an roads ministers to marshal all their national and regional forces and resources in order to accelerate the process of making decisions and taking action about the crew members of the said tanker.
An Iranian-owned oil tanker collided with a Hong Kong freighter in the East China Sea on Saturday, leaving the tanker’s 32 crew members missing, 30 of whom were Iranian sailors. The tanker and the freighter collided in waters at around 20:00, about 160 sea miles east of the Yangtze River's estuary.