Hundreds of civilians have been killed in Syria by the airstrikes of the US-led coalition against ISIL over the past two years, an international rights advocacy group said Wednesday.
"Eleven Coalition attacks examined by the organization appear to have killed some 300 civilians during two years of strikes targeting the armed group calling itself Islamic State (Daesh)," Amnesty International said in a statement.
According to the group, the most recent deadly airstrikes, conducted in June and July, killed more than 100 civilians in the Syrian villages of Tukhar, Hadhadh and Ghandoura.
The watchdog called for thorough investigation into reports of civilian deaths during the coalition's aerial operation, adding that the US authorities had not given any response to a memorandum sent by the watchdog "to raise questions about the conduct of Coalition forces in Syria."
The US-led coalition of more than 60 nations has been conducting airstrikes against ISIL (outlawed in many countries, including the United States and Russia) in Syria and Iraq since 2014. The strikes in Syria are not authorized by the government of President Bashar Assad or by the United Nations Security Council.