TEHRAN, Apr. 27 (MNA) – Adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said Bashar al-Assad is redline for Iran in Syria, since he is a democratically elected president.

Ali Akbar Velayati, the Head of Strategic Research Center of the Expediency Council met Belgian Senate President Ms. Christine Defraigne Wednesday evening. Ms. Defraigne is visiting Tehran and arrived earlier on Tuesday.

Velayati said that Iran and the EU would come to a mutual understanding of a definition of terrorism regardless of ‘ludicrous moderate or extremist’ designations used by some countries; “any group who is armed and acts against Syrian people and government should be recognized as terrorism and be dealt accordingly; Syrian President Bashar al-Assad won the position in a democratic process two years ago. He is redline for the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syrian developments in all years of his remaining presidency,” he emphasized.

“We could sit to discuss other issues once the EU comes to terms with this; Syrian Parliamentary elections is also an important matter in politics of Syria, where people elected their representatives during a democratic process,” he added.

