Publish Date: 16 December 2015 - 21:26

TEHRAN, Dec. 16 (MNA) – Iran’s Hassan Rouhani has told nation closure of PMD case of Iran’s nuclear program has been an ethical, political and legal triumph for Iranians.

President Hassan Rouhani who was addressing the nation aired live on Iran’s state TV broadcaster IRIB, congratulated the nation for their ‘patience and perseverance’ for what he believed was the most recent triumph in the international arena for Iranians.

“For about 14 years (since summer of 2002) west and its intelligence systems had mounted charges against Iran mainly corroborated by the intelligence coming from terrorist groups and spy networks, which strictly claimed that the Islamic Republic of Iran was doing uranium enrichment or it had clandestinely waged attempts to make a nuclear warhead, as well as claims that it had refused to provide the international organizations such as IAEA with transparent information about its activities,” President Rouhani emphasized, “which helped adopt many resolutions in the IAEA Board of Governors meetings and the UN Security Council sessions against us; Tuesday, the success was not merely a legal or technical triumph for us, but it was a legal success for the nation, where it became evident that after 14 years, Iran had not told any lies to the world and will not do in the future.”

Rouhani ensured that Iran would remain committed to treaties and agreements signed with the world powers; “all discussions revolve around the issue of whether Iran had been acted according to NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty); they had been showing that Iran had not remained committed. Both the IAEA as the technical ultimate authority and Board of Governors as ultimate authority to decide on the issue admitted that Iran’s program had not deviated toward nuclear weapons during past years, and as we had announced before, we are committed to the ethical and moral principle not to pursue WMD, with a fatwa by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution supporting the principle,” he told the nation through live speech.

“Tuesday’s session not only ended the PMD of Iran’s nuclear program, which has been on the agenda since 2001 and assessed as the crux of the matter, but also it removed all 12 resolutions approved by the IAEA between 2003 and 2013; from legal and technical points of view, the issue was the crux of the matter as well. If nuclear negotiation was stuck in a deadlock and we had not had the accord of the 5+1, the present achievements would be expected well in a distant future than present,” he emphasized.

“The June 14 agreement was important and it triggered a series of hopeful events: resolution 2231 by the UN Security Council, EU statement, US statement, and UN resolution on PMD. All contributed to JCPOA implementation now. I now tell the nation that by early January 2016, all sanctions will be eliminated and the path to our improved interaction with the world will be wider and safer,” said the president, imparting a wave of hope in words, “the government has actually been committed to the promises it made in the presidential election campaign, and has unshackled the sanctions from our economy,” he rejoiced to announce the nation.

“The next step,” Mr. Rouhani went on to say, “is to prepare the country for more economic dynamism; government has so far succeeded in removing the barriers. Now, it is up to the private sector and entrepreneurs to actually take the initiative; I would call all Iranians inside and abroad to embrace the opportunities coming within few upcoming weeks to come to an Iran which is now the most secure destination for their investments,” was Mr. president’s earnest request. “Our people enjoy extraordinary amount of active human force and natural resources; moreover, they seek change in the status quo and a constructive interaction with the world.”

