Mohammad Hassan Abutorabifard made the remarks in the opening ceremony of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) First Executive Council and Standing Committee on Social and Cultural Affairs Meetings this morning in Tehran’s Espinas International Hotel.
The Iranian official said that he is glad to announce that Tehran’s meeting is ready to be held with the participation of more than 18 APA delegations.
He added that given the great position of APA in preserving peace and tranquility in the vast Asian continent, the Iranian parliament has always attached utmost importance to the assembly and tried to promote it every year.
"The advantages of reinforcing the Asian Parliamentary Assembly directly affect the security and interests of member countries during the crisis and somehow guarantee it,” he said.
Abutorabifard stated that terrorism is the biggest manifestation of extremism and added “terrorism not only exists in west of Asia, but it has also spread in most of the eastern parts (of the continent) threatening the whole continent.”
“Such a situation requires reinforcing regional and continental cooperation as well as organizing APA’s performance which will have valuable outcomes for the governments of member states in fighting terrorism”, he added.
Noting the Syrian crisis, the official said in order to put a stop to the humanitarian disasters, Iran announced readiness to cooperate with international and regional powers which are fortunately members of APA. "We tend to find a political solution for the ongoing crisis in Syria," he stressed.
In such a situation, Syria - an active member of APA- should be supported by other member countries, he noted.
“All countries should observe Syria’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty,” he said, urging all member states to take steps toward building peace in Syria.
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