TEHRAN, Sep. 30 (MNA) – The leader of the world’s Catholics, Pope Francis, has suggested that Israel's attacks in Gaza and Lebanon have been “immoral” and disproportionate, saying its military domination has gone beyond the rules of war.

Pope was asked en route home from Belgium about Israel’s targeted martyring Hezbollah Secretary-general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, ABC News reported.

Friday's strike in Beirut targeted an area greater than a city block and reduced several residential buildings to rubble, and at least six other deaths have been confirmed.

Pope didn’t mention Israel by name and said he was speaking in general terms. But he said that “the defense must always be proportionate to the attack.”

“When there is something disproportionate, there is a dominating tendency that goes beyond morality,” he said. “A country that does these things — and I’m talking about any country — in a superlative way, these are immoral actions.”

He said that even if war itself is immoral, there are rules that “indicate some morality.”

“But when you don’t do this … you see the bad blood of these things,” he said.