TEHRAN, Jul. 05 (MNA) – Iranians inside and outside the country headed to polling stations in large numbers to elect a new president to replace martyr President Ebrahim Raeisi on Friday.

Polling stations across Iran have opened on Friday morning for the 14th presidential election. The voting started at 8:00 a.m. (04:30 GMT) on Friday. It will continue until evening, with the minister of interior having the authority to extend the voting time if necessary.

Iranians have headed to the polls as soon as the stations opened to elect the country’s new president.

Former health minister and senior lawmaker Masoud Pezeshkian and former nuclear negotiator and chief of the top security body Saeed Jalili are in the race after securing the most votes among others in the first round.

More than 61,450,000 eligible Iranian voters can take part in the ongoing elections inside the country and abroad.

The individuals born on or before June 28, 2006, are eligible to vote.

Forces from the Police, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Basij are tasked with ensuring the security of the election.

The new administration, the 14th one after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, will assume power in July and hold office for four years. The polls take place a year ahead of schedule, as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi passed away in May.

A helicopter carrying President Raeisi and his entourage crashed in northwestern mountainous forests on May 19, killing the president, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and six others.

In the following you can find the latest update from Iran's presidential election:

Leader casts his vote

As soon as the voting kicked off, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei cast his ballot in snap presidential elections at a polling station in Tehran on Friday.

More than 200 reporters from domestic and foreign media, including reporters from the US, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, UK, Afghanistan, Austria, Turkey, Kuwait, Netherlands, UAE, Italy, Iraq, Yemen, Japan, France, Philippines, Lebanon , Qatar, Oman, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, India, South Korea and... covered the news of the Leader casting his vote in Imam Khomeini's Hosseiniyeh.

Interior Minister Vahidi cast his vote

The Iranian Minister of Interior, Ahmad Vahidi was the second official who cast his vote for the second stage of the 14th presidential election on Friday.

 Polls open in Bangkok, Jakarta, Bangladesh for Iran's presidential election run-off.

Every vote a shot against enemy: Hajizadeh

Casting his vote in Tehran's Aboozar mosque, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division said that every vote is a shot against the enemy.

 Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf cast his ballot along with other Iranian people across the country.

Iranian Acting President Mohammad Mokhbar attended the election headquarters located in the Ministry of Interior and cast his vote.

 A 100-year-old woman has attended a polling station in northern Iran to vote in the runoff presidential election.

 Former president Mohammad Khatami also casted his vote in a polling station in Tehran.

A newly-wed Iranian couple participated in the 14th presidential election, casting their ballots.

Former Iranian parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani also casted his vote in a village in Amol City of Iran.

Former Vice President of Iran, Masoumeh Ebtekar was among the officials who casted his vote on Friday.

Al Jazeera correspondent is covering this event at the same time as the start of the second round of presidential elections in Iran.

 Presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian went to the polling station along with former Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif to cast their vote.

Iranian citizens living in Iraq and Qatar cast their votes in the ballot boxes at the same time as the start of the presidential elections in Iran.

Former Iranian president Hasan Rouhani also took part in a station to cast his vote.

 The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani and a number of other Iranian diplomats casted their vote.

Each ballot of Iranians is a vote for the establishment and security, peace and also the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international system.

Presidential candidate Saeed Jalili went to the polling station to cast his vote among his supporters.

A number of Iranian artists an actors also cast their ballots in Tehran's Vahdat Hall.

Groups of religious minorities, like Christians, also took part in Iran's elections.

Russia's Sputnik: "Iran holds second round of presidential election with great turnout."

Iranian Caretaker Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri casted his vote.

Iranian nationals in Malaysia voted in Iran's presidential election run-off. 

 Mohsen Eslami, the spokesperson for the country’s election headquarters announced that the turnout increased compared to the first round of elections.

Current Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili also voted in Tehran's Vahdat Hall.

 Iranian nomads from the northwestern cities of Ahar and Varzeqan cast their ballots in the presidential election run-off.