TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – The spokesman of the Iranian foreign minister hailed the lots of messages of condolences to Iran over tragic helicopter crash as a sign of Iran's successful foreign policy.

Speaking during his regular press conference on Monday, the spokesman of the Iranian foreign ministry Nasser Kan'ani once gain extended his condolences over the martyrdom of President Raeisi and his companions in the tragic helicopter crash and expressed gratitude towards foreign high-ranking delegations for taking part in memorial services for the martyrs.

“We received more than 330 messages from top officials of different countries, which is a sign of the success of Iran’s foreign policy to develop international ties.”

The spokesman hailed President Raeisi and his foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian for their efforts to develop Iran’s ties with other countries and international bodies, which according to him, enhanced the Islamic Republic’s status at the regional and international level.

True evidence for that is the great number of messages of sympathy the Islamic Republic received from other countries, coupled with the participation of foreign delegations in the mourning ceremonies held inside Iran, Kan'ani noted.

He added that the presence of foreign officials in Iran’s diplomatic missions in other countries, minutes of silence observed at various international bodies as well as public mourning announced in some countries are other signs showing the success of Iran’s foreign policy.

Despite the occurrence of the tragic incident, the Islamic Republic’s support of Palestine will not be interrupted and Tehran will continue its international, diplomatic and legal supports as the country sees the supports as a duty and moral issue, the spokesman underlined.

Message of condolence from Bahrain

The spokesman said he appreciated the Bahraini king for offering a message of sympathy over the martyrdom of President Raeisi and his companions including Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

Through focusing on neighborhood policy, the late President Raeisi tried to remove misunderstandings and strengthen relations with the neighbors, particularly those in the Persian Gulf region.

Iranian government’s policy on Africa

In his remarks, the spokesman referred to the Africa Day on May 25, saying the expansion of ties with Africa was on the agenda of President Raeisi’s administration as his three trips to African states show.

Meanwhile, the deaths of president and his entourage will not hinder implementation of such a policy, he said.

“Our approach to fostering relations with different countries, the neighbors in particular, will not change.”

Legal, international grounds for putting an end to the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip are available, he said.

Iran-US indirect talks

Commenting on the latest indirect negotiation between Iran and the US, Kan'ani said that the two sides' interactions have been centered on the lifting the imposed sanctions and nuclear issues.

The Islamic Republic has always held talks within the certain framework of the country, he said, adding that the media reports on this regard are invalid and inaccurate.

Iran's negotiating team has always advanced the talks under the supervision and guidance of the higher bodies in the political system of the country, he noted.

He went on to say that the team has leveraged the capacity of all authorities to this end.

Iran-IAEA cooperation

Iran's approach to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is positive and constructive, he said.

Grossi's recent visit to Iran also shows that it was done to expand constructive cooperation between the two sides and resolve misunderstandings, he added.

Iran has always stated that the agency must avoid taking a political approach, he said, adding that the IAEA should take action professionally.

Upcoming visit of Oman FM to Iran

The Omani Foreign Minister is to visit Iran to offer condolences and express the sympathy of the Omani government to Iran, he said.

Of course, high-ranking delegations from Oman attended the funeral procession of Iran's Martyr President Raeisi, and his accompanying officials who lost their lives in a copter crash on May 19 in northwestern Iran. The minister of foreign affairs of the country, however, has decided to travel to Iran individually as the two sides enjoy friendly and brotherly relations.

I.R. policy on Balkan region

Responding to a question by an IRNA correspondent, the spokesman elaborated on Iran’s foreign policy on the Balkan region and the country’s vote in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica genocide, which was held on May 23.  

Kan'ani said that Iran acts independently when it comes to its foreign policy agenda, and therefore voted for the resolution that designates July 11 as the “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica”.

He said Iran supported the designation, which is aimed at preventing such crimes in the future, but the Islamic Republic at the same time rejects any misinterpretation of the resolution that would escalate tensions in the Balkan region.

Iran also rejects adopting double standards and calls on those pushing for the Srebrenica resolution to adopt a firm stance toward the Gaza genocide as well and help bring its perpetrators to justice, Kan'ani noted.

He went to say that the Islamic Republic supports peace and stability in the Balkan region and emphasizes strong co-existence and respect for national sovereignty of countries in that region.

The Islamic Republic has good ties with all Balkan countries, including Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the spokesman said, adding that Iran rejects any measures violating Serbia’s integrity while it extending the hand of friendship to all groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

Global responsibility on Gaza

On the crimes committed by Israel against Gaza, the spokesman said the world community is legally and ethically responsible for the regime’s crimes.

Israel is accused of violating the international conventions, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered the regime to immediately halt military operation against the Rafah residents, so all legal and international grounds are well prepared for ending the war in Gaza, he said while condemning the support extended by the United States and certain countries to the Zionist regime during the past months.

Situation of Iranian national arrested in Iraq

Speaking about the issue, Kan'ani said the Foreign Ministry has been seriously following the case since the day of arrest.

The arrest of this Iranian national in Iraq is not acceptable and the Islamic Republic condemns any inhuman and illegal behavior towards its national, he added.

Iran-Azerbaijan ties

About the latest situation in Tehran-Baku relations, Kan'ani said the re-opening of Azerbaijan’s embassy in Iran is among one of the plans on the agenda of bilateral ties.

Commenting on cooperation with Sudan, Kan'ani said bilateral ties are on the right path.

Saudi Crown Prince's visit to Iran

Commenting on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's visit to Iran, Kan'ani said that it was not the right time to make the announcement on the details in this regard.

Iran's late president and Saudi Crown had invited each other for a state visit, he said, adding that both sides had accepted the invitations.

The schedule of bin Salman's visit will be announced in an appropriate time, he further noted.

Iran's ties with Iraqi Kurdistan Region

Commenting on the participation of the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in the funeral procession of the late President Raisi and his encourage, he said that the expansion of relations with the regional countries is pursued by the current government.

Legal proceedings against MKO

Commenting on the legal proceedings against members of the terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), he said that the trial of the notorious terrorist group's members is underway.