TEHRAN, Mar. 10 (MNA) – Iran’s agricultural and food exports surpassed $5.5 billion during the first eleven months of the current Iranian year (March 21, 2023 – February 19, 2024), an Iranian economic official said.

According to Rouhollah Latifi, the spokesperson for the Trade Development Commission at the Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade, Iran exported fisheries, livestock, agricultural, and food products worth $5.593.399.727 to over 130 foreign countries during the first eleven months of the year.

He added that this represents a 23% increase in value compared to the same period last year.

Latifi stated that Iraq was the biggest importer of Iranian agricultural and food products, with imports worth $1.784.930.000. The United Arab Emirates followed with $675.783 million, then Russia with $464.572 million, Pakistan with $447.774 million, and Afghanistan with $383.491 million.

He also noted that India, Turkey, China, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan were the 6th to 10th largest importers of Iranian agricultural and food products during the same period.
