TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) – A Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan called on Arab and Muslim governments to take decisive action against Israel amid its ongoing attacks in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Hamdan, a senior representative of Hamas in Lebanon and a member of the group’s politburo emphasized the potential of Arab and Muslim countries to exert pressure on Washington, urging them to intervene and halt the aggression while reopening Gaza crossings.

Speaking at a press conference in Beirut on Friday, Hamdan highlighted the significance of an extraordinary session of the Arab League scheduled for Saturday in Saudi Arabia. He urged participants to go beyond condemnation and actively boycott the "Nazi terrorist entity." Additionally, he called for a rejection of any external interference in Palestinian affairs during the Arab League meeting.

Expressing strong disapproval, Hamdan deemed it "unacceptable" for Arab states to maintain relations with Israel, urging them to halt the normalization process. He also appealed to the international community, calling for accountability for Israel's actions against Palestinians.

Amid the ongoing conflict, Hamdan conveyed Hamas's determination to resist the Israeli aggression. He stated that Al-Qassam fighters were actively engaging the Israeli army with high morale, emphasizing the necessity of escalating retaliatory operations against Israel, as the regime understands only the language of force.

Providing insights into diplomatic efforts, Hamdan mentioned ongoing contacts with Qatar and Egypt aimed at achieving a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. However, he asserted that the Israeli occupation, backed by the US, has rejected these efforts thus far. Hamdan also rejected what he described as the American administration's attempts to impose guardianship over the Palestinian people, stressing that the Palestinian people are in the process of liberating their lands and reclaiming their full rights.

With international calls mounting for a cessation of Israel’s onslaught on Gaza due to worsening humanitarian conditions, Hamdan pointed out that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently ruled out any halt in anti-Palestinian operations until all captives are freed.

The conflict, ongoing since October 7, has resulted in over 11,000 Palestinian casualties, mostly women and children, in Israeli air and ground attacks.