TEHRAN, Oct. 31 (MNA) – Qassam Brigades spokesperson Abu Obeideh said Tuesday that the Resistance fighters destroyed 22 Israeli military vehicles, stressing that the Gaza battle is the beginning of Palestinian liberation.

Abu Obeidah, the military spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement, emphasized that the Zionist regime seeks to forcibly relocate the Palestinian people and destroy their country in order to restore its tarnished image.

Saying that up to now, Qassam fighters have detnated 22 Israeli military vehicles with Yasin-105 mortars, Abu Obeidah said, "Our forces conducted several infiltration operations and bypassed the enemy forces and managed to destroy a number of them."

Stating that in the current operation, the Resistance Navy has used the "Al Asif" torpedo for the first time, he clarified, "Gaza will be the enemy's graveyard. We consider this war as the beginning of the war for the liberation of Palestine and the expulsion of Israel."