Publish Date: 30 October 2023 - 22:49

TEHRAN, Oct. 30 (MNA) – Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeed Iravani has warned that the Islamic Republic will respond to any threat, attack, or aggression.

Iravani made the remarks in a statement that he read out before the United Nations Security Council on "The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)" on Monday.

“Should it confront any threat, attack, or aggression endangering its security, national interests, or its people, Iran will not hesitate to use its inherent rights under international law and the UN Charter to respond decisively,” the statement read.

The full text of the statement is as follows:

Mr. President,

I thank Mr. Pedersen, the Special Envoy, and Ms. Edem Wosornu, the Director of OCHA’s Operations Division, for their updates and informative briefings.

Regrettably, after 12 years of the Syrian crisis, terrorism remains a significant and persistent threat to Syria and the broader region, with its core activities concentrated in regions outside the control of the Syrian government.

We are concerned about terrorist activities in the areas under occupation.

The illegal presence of the US military forces in Syria is the primary source of insecurity in the Country and has provided fertile ground for the nourishment of terrorist organizations, both within the country and the broader region.

 Syrian Arab Republic has officially and consistently raised objections to these violations and has called upon the Security Council to halt this aggression and put an end to the US occupation.

The fight against terrorism must be carried out in full respect of Syria's national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence, and without using it as a pretext to violate these fundamental principles of international law.

Mr. President,

Iran strongly condemns the reprehensible terrorist attacks perpetrated by terrorist organizations targeting the graduation ceremony for the cadets of the Military Academy in the city of Homs on 4th October. This cowardly act of terrorism has tragically resulted in numerous loss of life and injured, including civilians military personnel, and their innocent family members. It is deeply regrettable that the Security Council continued to exhibit political double standards and refused to condemn such heinous and horrifying crimes.

Further, Iran condemns in the strongest terms possible the continuous acts of terrorism carried out by the Israeli regime within Syrian territory, deliberately targeting innocent civilians and vital infrastructure.

The most recent attack was conducted in Idlib last night.

These acts of aggression are a serious threat to regional peace and security.

While concurrently committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli regime conducted several aggressive operations aimed at civilian airports in Damascus and Aleppo.

These terrorist attacks inflicted severe damage to the essential airport facilities, causing significant disruptions in their operations for a considerable duration.

Tragically, these assaults also led to the loss of lives and injuries among several innocent civilians.

Mr. President,

The humanitarian crisis in Syria remains deeply concerning.

Currently, one of the most urgent issues facing the Country is the severe economic hardship, significantly worsened by the so-called Caesar sanctions.

These sanctions have placed a disproportionate burden on the Syrian people, particularly women and children.

These illegal measures have sadly transformed into instruments that terrorize nations and erode the bedrock of international law.

We are also concerned about the current level of funding for the Syrian humanitarian response.

The current level of funding allocated for the Syrian humanitarian response falls far below what is needed. This severe shortage of funding severely hinders the UN's ability to provide adequate assistance to those in need.

As such, the provision of impartial and non-politicized humanitarian assistance to all regions of Syria is crucial for saving lives.

We stress that humanitarian assistance and reconstruction initiatives in Syria should not be wielded as tools to exert pressure on the Syrian government.

Mr. President,

On the political track, we hold a steadfast belief that the essential solution to the Syrian crisis should be pursued through diplomatic and political means as a military solution has the potential to exacerbate an already complex situation.

We highlight the significance of resuming the meetings of the Constitutional Committee as an effective mechanism for advancing the political process.

The continued functioning of this committee is vital, with its venue being of lesser importance.

The role of the United Nations should remain supportive, with the entire process being under Syrian leadership and ownership.

We support the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland. At present, there exists a significant number of Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan, and their return should be facilitated through the cooperative efforts of all host countries. Addressing the numerous challenges confronting Syrian refugees requires the creation of critical infrastructure.

The United Nations, especially the High Commissioner for Refugees, plays a pivotal role in this endeavor.

Mr. President, I wish to emphasize the importance of respecting the territorial integrity, national sovereignty, and independence of the Syrian Arab Republic. Iran reaffirms its steadfast commitment to the fight against terrorism.

To conclude Mr. President, in response to the unfounded allegations raised against my Country by the representative of the United States during this meeting, we are obliged to emphatically refute these unsubstantiated claims.

They have no basis and are completely without merit.

The US attempted to shift the blame from the culprit to the victim and put the finger on Iran.

Iran has consistently upheld its commitments to promoting peace and security in the region.

Iran's presence in Syria is fully legal and in response to an official request from the Syrian government to combat terrorism.

The effectiveness of Iran's anti-terrorism efforts, particularly against terrorist groups like Daesh, is evident to all.

In stark contrast, the unlawful presence of the United States in Syria, purportedly for counterterrorism purposes but with support for terrorist organizations, flagrantly violates the principles of the UN Charter, international law, and Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This destabilizing presence has had adverse repercussions for both Syria and the entire region.

As I mentioned, the Syrian Arab Republic has officially and consistently raised objections to these violations and has called upon the Security Council to halt this aggression and put an end to the US occupation.

The United States must rectify its transgressions of international law and the UN Charter by discontinuing its support for terrorist groups and withdrawing from Syria.

Mr. President,

It is indeed the US that is seeking to increase escalation by overtly aligning itself with the aggressor at the expense of the innocent Palestinian people.

The United States and some Western countries attempted to equate the self-defense and right to self-determination of the Palestinian people and Palestinian resistance with terrorism, attempting to grant the occupying regime, Israel, an unjust right to self-defense.

The United States 'unwavering support for occupation and aggression has rendered it a part of the problem and the challenge the international community is facing in the current situation in the Gaza Strip.

Let me be clear Mr. President, Iran's primary objective is to avoid any escalation in the region. That is why Iran has aligned with the international community in endorsing the call for an immediate end to Israel's relentless military aggression, establishing a ceasefire, and providing unhindered access to humanitarian aid to the people in need in the Gaza Strip. 

However, should it confront any threat, attack, or aggression endangering its security, national interests, or its people, Iran will not hesitate to use its inherent rights under international law and the UN Charter to respond decisively.