Publish Date: 23 October 2023 - 15:30

TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) – Azerbaijan and Turkih armies have staged joint exercises in Azerbaijan with 3,000 troops taking part.

 Joint Azerbaijani-Turkish tactical exercises titled "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2023" have kicked off in Azerbaijan, the press service of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported, according to Russian TASS news agency.

Up to 3,000 servicemen representing various troop units from both countries, 130 armored vehicles, up to 100 artillery vehicles, and more than 20 units of aviation and aircraft, as well as engineering equipment and small boats, are taking part in the drills, which are being held in various areas, including Baku, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and liberated territories.

"The exercises accomplish various tasks [for the] application of artillery, aviation and other types of troops in military operations using modern combat methods, organization of their activities in interaction, building pontoon bridges" to create passageways over rivers and landing troops far behind the lines of the proxy enemy, the ministry said. Primary attention is being paid to ensuring "combat interoperability, improving management, exchanging experience and increasing the professionalism of the servicemen during the troops’ interaction," the press service added.

The exercise will continue until October 25.

The foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia will hold talks in Tehran later on Monday within the framework of 3+3 Format.