TEHRAN, Oct. 17 (MNA) – On Tuesday, the Jordan Royal Court announced that King Abdullah II will host a quadrilateral summit in Amman on Wednesday.

King Abdullah II will host a four-way summit in Amman on Wednesday with US President Joe Biden, Egypt President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, and Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas to discuss dangerous developments in Gaza, its regional impact, & ensuring the provision of aid to the Strip, Roya News reported.

"The primary agenda of the summit is to discuss the critical developments in Gaza and their impact on the wider region. A key objective is to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian and relief aid to the Gaza region," the court added in a statement.

Egypt has been communicating with the Palestinian and Israeli regime sides in a bid to achieve calm in Gaza, which has seen worsening humanitarian conditions amid unrelenting Israeli strikes over the past 10 days.

Biden said on Saturday that the US is working with Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and the UN to create the proper conditions for aid flow to Gaza.

Egypt has received tons of humanitarian aid from donor countries but they remain stranded in El-Arish, North Sinai, as Israel refuses to allow the aid into Gaza and has launched repeated strikes on the neighboring Rafah border crossing.

Egypt will host a summit on Saturday to discuss the recent developments in Gaza with regional and international partners, Egyptian TV channel Al-Qahera News reported.

Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7 , penetrating deep into the territories occupied by the Israeli regime, by carrying out large-scale air, land, and sea strikes.

The group said the operation was a reaction to the recurring desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied al-Quds as well as intensified Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Israel responded with intensive airstrikes on civilian targets in the Gaza Strip, killing at least 2,808 Palestinians in Gaza and wounding some 10,859 others, according to the territory’s health ministry.

The regime has also intensified the siege of Gaza, leaving the city, home to more than 2.3 million Palestinians, without water, electricity, fuel and internet.

Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip have killed over 2,800 Palestinians and left nearly 11,000 injured, with the vast majority being women and children.

The ongoing missile strikes have left Gaza in ruins, with countless homes reduced to rubble, and its 2.3 million residents struggling with severe shortages of essentials like food, water, and electricity.