TEHRAN, Jul. 09 (MNA) – Iran has the most powerful fleet of military choppers in West Asia, equipped with sophisticated munitions designed for rapid action in actual combat, the commander of the Airborne Division of Iranian Army Ground Force said.

Speaking at a press briefing in Tehran on Saturday, Second Brigadier General Yousef Qorbani stated that his force has achieved a high level of combat readiness despite Western sanctions.

He lauded Iranian military experts and technicians for manufacturing a broad range of helicopter components, saying combat choppers operated by the Army's Airborne Division have been furnished with state-of-the-art equipment to effectively counter potential threats.

The commander said Iranian military helicopters are armed with long-range and fire-and-forget missiles, giving them pinpoint accuracy. Once launched, these missiles can destroy enemy targets within a mere three seconds, he added.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Qorbani highlighted the swift response capabilities of the Iranian Army's helicopters, noting that they can reach threat areas within the operational radius of their bases in just two hours.

The high-ranking commander said that a significant number of Iranian military helicopters have been equipped with cutting-edge night-vision systems, a technology manufactured by only a few countries worldwide.

In addition to conducting heliborne operations in complete darkness, the Airborne Division has successfully carried out offshore helicopter operations during nighttime, effectively engaging and destroying designated targets, General Qorbani said.

“The Iranian helicopters now feature the same sophisticated technology found in advanced helicopters around the world,” he boasted.

He revealed that plans are underway for the development of a new domestically produced military helicopter. The components of this aircraft are being designed and built in collaboration with the Defense Ministry and knowledge-based companies, he added. 

Iran's military experts and engineers have made remarkable strides in recent years, achieving self-sufficiency in the production of a diverse range of indigenous equipment.

Iranian officials have consistently said that the country remains determined to enhance its military capabilities, including its missile power, which solely serves defensive purposes.

They have reaffirmed that Iran's defense capabilities are non-negotiable and will never be subject to compromise.