TEHRAN, Apr. 20 (MNA) – Raeisi said creating division, terrorist and takfiri groups, occupation and insulting the sanctities of Muslims is part of the enemy's strategy to weaken Islamic societies, calling for unity against such plots

The president of Iran Seyed Ebrahim Raeisi made the comments in a meeting on Wednesday night with the ambassadors and diplomats of the Islamic countries in Tehran.

The president congratulated Eid Fitr to Muslims in advance and pointed out, "The ill-wishers of Muslim nations seek to create division and separation among Islamic countries, nations, tribes and religions (sects), but God Almighty and His great Messenger have called on us for unity and integration, and the holy month of Ramadan is the emblem of this unity for the Islamic Ummah."

The President listed the creation of division, terrorist and takfiri groups, occupation and insulting the sacred places of Muslims among the strategies of the enemy to weaken Islamic societies and called on the Islamic countries to unite to face these conspiracies.

Referring to the recent criminal action of the Zionist regime in the attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the defenseless Palestinian people, Raeesi said that only condemning and deploring these aggressions is not enough, adding, "Today, the Muslim nations expect to take practical action against the crimes of the Zionist regime and support the oppressed Palestinian nation."

He considered the neighborhood policy and strengthening relations with Islamic countries to be atop the priorities of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and regarding the neighboring country, Afghanistan, as a member of the Islamic world, he said, "resolving the problems of the oppressed people of Afghanistan by forming an inclusive government that represent all ethnic groups, religions and the people of Afghanistan are emphasized and supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The two decades of US and NATO presence in that country brought nothing but war and bloodshed for the people of Afghanistan, and today is the time to realize the will of the people of this country to determine their own fate."

Stating that the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Iraq, Yemen and Syria is to prevent the breaking apart of those countries, Raeisi emphasized preserving the territorial integrity and fulfilling the will of the people in those countries and added, "the main cause of insecurity in Syria is the presence of the United States and its allies. The way to return security and peace to that country is to stop the activities of takfiri groups through spreading the control of the Syrian government over all areas and regions of Syria."

As regards the Palestinian issue, the president said that the Islamic Republic of Iran's solution to the Palestinian issue is what the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has presented which is the formation of a Palestinian government based on the votes of the Palestinian people.