TEHRAN, Feb. 15 (MNA) – Nicola Sturgeon announced her resignation as First Minister of Scotland on Wednesday after eight years in the job, leaving office with no clear successor.

Sturgeon told a news conference in Edinburgh that she would remain leader of Scotland's devolved government until a successor is found.

She said the decision was not linked to recent short-term issues.

Sturgeon became the leader of the ruling Scottish National Party (SNP) in the wake of its 2014 independence referendum when the country voted 55% to 45% to remain as part of the United Kingdom.

She suffered a blow in November when the United Kingdom's top court ruled that the Scottish government could not hold a second referendum without approval from the British parliament, France24 reported.

Sturgeon said in response that she would turn the next British general election into a de facto referendum to ramp up pressure on Westminster to grant another vote.

Support for independence rose above 50% in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling but it has slipped back in recent months.