TEHRAN, Oct. 12 (MNA) – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that the enemies foment riots in the country after they were frustrated at the nation's progress despite all the pressures.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received the newly-appointed members of the Expediency Council on October 12.

Addressing this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that Expediency Council is a very important organ for the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Referring to the experienced and elite members of this group, the Leader underlined that Expediency Council can have a comprehensive look at the country's issues.

The Leader touched upon the governmental or judicial experience of some members of the Expediency Council, saying that  Expediency Council plays a vital role in giving consultations regarding the general policies of the country.

The Expediency Council's role in terms of consultation is of high importance, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution spoke about the recent riots in the country, saying that such sporadic riots have been plotted by the enemy after they could not stop the nation's advances towards development despite all their pressures.

As long as the nation is on the path of the Islamic system and religious values, these enmities will continue to plot, the Leader said, stressing that Resistance is the only way to get over the hurdles.

Ayatollah Khamenei further underscored that the recent events should not distract government officials from the main and basic tasks which are leading the country toward development.

Describing members of the Expediency Council as influential people, the Leader advised them to pay enough attention to these issues and neutralize the enemy's plots.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution concluded his remarks by saying "God's help will definitely be with us."
