TEHRAN, Aug. 24 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said on Wednesday that Iran is mulling over the US responses received via the EU coordinator.

Nasser Kan’ani said that the US government's response to the Islamic Republic of Iran's views to resolve the remaining issues in the sanctions removal talks has been received by Tehran through the European Coordinator on Wednesday evening.

A detailed review of the views of the US side has begun and Iran will announce its standpoints to the Coordinator after completing the study, he added.

At the latest round of the talks, held earlier in August, the European Union presented proposals text aimed at salvaging the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), which ran into trouble in 2018 after the US withdrew and reinstated sanctions on Iran.

Tehran last Monday presented its response to the EU proposed text which EU and the US said they had received and were evaluating.
