TEHRAN, Jan. 23 (MNA) – The Kashmiris despite celebrate Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra’s birthday anniversary despite the cold weather.

People in kashmir celebrate Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra’s birthday anniversary every year on the 20th day of the lunar Islamic month of Jamadi al-Thani, despite the cold weather people attend the ceremonies in the different parts of Kashmir valley. 

Religious scholars shed light on the life of Fatima (PBUH) and recalled her immense sacrifices and services in the path of Islam. 

They urged the Muslims especially women to follow in her footsteps. The participants described Fatima Zahra (PBUH) as the best role model for not only the Muslims, but for people of all religions. 

Hazrat Fatema was the wife of Imam Ali (AS), the first Shiite Imam, and is referred to as a role model for all Muslim women as she was the personification of high virtues and purity.