Publish Date: 20 December 2021 - 14:40

TEHRAN, Dec. 20 (MNA) – Iranian students won first place in INEX 2021 competitions in Hyderabad, India.

Secretary of International Avicenna Students Festival Mahdi Rashidi Jahan stated that INEX 2021 was held on 13-16 Dec. 2021 in Hyderabad, India, adding, the competition is held annually with the support of the International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA). 

He also said that this year students from 30 countries participated in the competition. 

He added that 3 teams of students were sent to the India event who had been selected in the 6th Avicenna Student Festival in September.

Rashidi noted that the Iranian team overall won first place in the INEX 2021, Hyderabad, India. 

He also added that the 3 Iranian teams managed to win 3 gold medals in electronics, artificial intelligence and computer programming and one of the Iranian teams received the special award of the competition as well as the invention trophy.

The sixth edition (hybrid) of India International Innovation & Invention Expo (INEX 2021) was organized virtually online and traditionally on-site in VNRVJIET Campus, Bachupally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India under IFIA’s patronage.
