TEHRAN, Dec. 12 (MNA) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said on Sunday that the budget bill presented to the Parliament for the next Iranian year of 1401 (starting on March 21, 2022) is aimed at ensuring economic stability.

Speaking on Sunday at the Iranian Parliament while presenting the 1401 budget bill, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said, "I hope that the richness of the 1401 budget bill will be increased with the help of the representatives, and God willing, the bill will be presented to them and solve the country's problems."

"In the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, thanks to the efforts of this land’s men and women, a lot of work has been done for development in water, electricity, higher education, agriculture, industry and mining, but with all these measures, serious problems in economic, social and cultural fields still exist," the President added.

The President said, "The serious problem that everyone used to suffer from was that the economy was tied to the will of outsiders, and therefore, despite the many capacities that exist in the country, especially the human resources and valuable reserves, we had serious economic problems."

Raeisi pointed out that inequality in investment attraction relative to depreciation, economic growth of 4 tenths of a percent, and a 10-fold increase in costs, makes the people and representatives concerned about the problems, stating, "The first goal in the 1401 budget is economic stability. The economy must benefit from stability so that it can be reassuring for producers, consumers and the market."

"The requirement for economic stability is to provide a budget that has no deficit. If there is a budget deficit, it will be the root of many problems in the country," Raeisi added.

"In the 1401 budget, borrowing from the Central Bank and increasing the monetary base is a red line. The plan is to prevent this from happening because it will create serious problems for the country's economy," he said.

Emphasizing that this process will continue until inflation reaches single digits, the President stated, "We hope that inflation, which is now in double digits and has worried the people and economic activists and everyone, will become a minimal and declining inflation."

Raeisi also said that the second goal of the 1401 budget is to guarantee economic growth and to reach the goal of 8% growth, adding, "The third point as the goal of the 1401 budget is justice in the distribution of capacities and facilities in the country. Distribution is currently unfair and must be balanced."

According to law, each member of Parliament is provided with a copy of the budget bill after its presentation to the Parliament. The lawmakers have 10 days to offer their suggestions about the bill to the specialized commissions in Parliament.

The specialized commissions are tasked with giving due reports to Parliament within 15 days. Parliament will finally approve outlines of the budget.
