TEHRAN, Sep. 05 (MNA) – During a phone talk with his Iranian counterpart, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi stressed that Islamabad attaches great importance to its relationship with Tehran.

The Public Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan issued a statement on Saturday night addressing the key issues discussed by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abodllahian and his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Pakistan attaches special importance to bilateral relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and these fraternal relations are rooted in strong historical, cultural, religious, and geographical commonalities, the statement quoted Qureshi as saying.

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry added that the Iranian Foreign Minister appreciated the efforts of his Pakistani counterpart to build a regional consensus on Afghanistan.

The statement added that Amir-Abodllahian and Qureshi agreed to continue consultations between the two neighboring countries on Afghanistan and to help establish lasting peace and stability in that country.

Pakistani Foreign Ministry continued that Qureshi is proud to be the first foreign minister of a country last month to meet with the new President and Foreign Minister of Iran in Tehran.

Qureshi also expressed his satisfaction with a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abodllahian on his official Twitter account on Saturday night, saying that the convergence of views on regional issues is important for achieving common goals of regional peace and prosperity.

The Pakistani Foreign Minister arrived in Tehran on August 26 after a recent visit to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, where he met with President Ebrahim Raeisi and Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abodllahian to discuss regional developments in Afghanistan and the strengthening of bilateral relations.

After meeting with the Iranian President, Qureshi wrote on his Twitter account that in the meeting with Ayatollah Raeisi, he discussed Pakistan's view for a coordinated approach among all of Afghanistan's neighbors for peace and prosperity.
