TEHRAN, Jul. 17 (MNA) – Terrorists are plotting a fake chemical attack in the Idlib de-escalation zone on the day of the Syrian president’s inauguration, a Russian official said.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (one of the names of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, which is outlawed in Russia) militants are plotting a fake chemical attack in the Idlib de-escalation zone on the day of the Syrian president’s inauguration, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Friday, TASS reported.

"The Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties is receiving information from various sources that militants of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group are plotting a provocation in the Idlib de-escalation zone," he said, adding that a possible date of the provocation is July 17, the inauguration day of the Syrian president.

According to Kulit, terrorists are planning to stage a fake chemical attack near the settlements of Seraqab and Khan-Sheykhun involving the White Helmets pseudo-humanitarian organization and local media resources, which would make a fake video to use it to accuse the Syrian government.

"Apart from that, according to reports coming to the Russian reconciliation center, the sleeper terrorist cells in the settlements of Dail, Tafas, Nawa, Jasim, and al-Snamein in the Daraa governorate are recruiting new militants and are training them for subversive activities," he said.

The Syrian government has taken a number of measures to ensure security in the country’s southern areas. Thus, additional checkpoints have been organized to check motor vehicles to prevent arms supplies to the sleeper cells and avoid terror attacks.

The Russian reconciliation center continues to fulfill assigned tasks after the completion of the military campaign in Syria. The center’s officers regularly travel around the country's liberated areas to assess the humanitarian situation. The main efforts of the Russian military are now focused on assistance to the refugees returning to their homes and evacuation of civilians from de-escalation zones.