TEHRAN, Jun. 30 (MNA) – According to a statement by the Iranian Army’s Navy, reconnaissance operations have been performed successfully using drones during the drills underway in the Caspian Sea.

Dubbed 'Amaniyat-e Paydar 1400' (Sustainable Security), the naval exercised kicked off on Wednesday morning with the participation of the Army Navy's surface and aerial units, including missile launchers, fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, naval drones and electronic warfare systems, as well as Navy's ranger units.

According to the latest statement, the naval forces have carried out reconnaissance mission using Ababil and Yasir mid-range drones. Monitoring the general area of the training, the drones transferred online the recorded data to the control and command center.

Describing the mission as “completely specialized”, the statement noted that the drones managed to identify different types of vessels.

This naval exercise is being staged in an area of approximately 77,000 square kilometers in the 20% of the Islamic Republic of Iran's share in the Caspian Sea, during which offensive and defensive scenarios will be implemented to protect the country's territorial waters and maintain transportation lines.

MAH/IRN 84388511