TEHRAN, Apr. 06 (MNA) – A state of emergency was declared in western Darfur, Sudan, following a bloody tribal conflict that has left dozens dead and wounded.

Sudan has declared a state of emergency following the bloody tribal conflicts in western Darfur province which left dozens dead and wounded, Sputnik reported.

Sudan's Security and Defense Council on Monday, chaired by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, declared a state of emergency in West Darfur and handed over any measure needed to end tribal clashes to the law enforcement forces.

Following the meeting, Sudanese Defense Minister Ibrahim Yassin announced the formation of a High Committee to deal with any violations on terms and conditions of peace agreement.

Yesterday, hospital sources in Sudan reported that at least 18 people were killed and more than 50 others were injured in tribal clashes in the western city of ‘Al-Junaynah’.

According to the United Nations, fighting in Darfur between pro-government forces and insurgent minorities has led to killing of nearly 300,000 people and displaced more than 2.5 million since 2003.
