Publish Date: 7 March 2021 - 10:04

TEHRAN, Mar. 07 (MNA) – The amendment to the new fiscal year (2021-2022) was finalized by legislators in the Parliament on Saturday.

The lawmakers finalized the amended budget bill for the upcoming new Iranian year (starts March 21) after several sessions and debates over the issue over the past two weeks.

Last week, Iranian lawmakers approved the revenues section in the next fiscal year’s budget bill with 198 votes in favor, two votes against while four MPs abstained from voting.

In the upcoming fiscal year, the operating budget, including revenues derived mainly from taxation and exports at the disposal of the government, has been projected to stand at 9,107 trillion rials.

Moreover, revenues earmarked for ministries and government institutions worth 950.73 trillion rials take the total sum of the general budget to 10,058 trillion rials.

Lawmakers approved the outlines of the fiscal 2021-22 budget revised by the government on February 16. The approval came after the parliamentarians had initially rejected the outlines of the bill on February 1 and returned it to the government for revision.

The operating budget had been initially projected to stand at 8,410 trillion rials in the original bill, registering a 47% increase compared with the current year’s budget (2020-21). The government increased it to 8,546 trillion rials in the amendment.

Revenues earmarked for ministries and governmental institutions were projected to stand at 894 trillion rials from 884 trillion rials in the first draft, which took the total sum of the general budget to 9,440 trillion rials from 9,298 trillion rials.

The ceiling set for the government’s total budget increased from 24,357 trillion rials to 24,499 trillion rials.

The budget of state companies, banks and for-profit organizations had been put at 15,619 trillion rials in the original proposal. The government kept the figure unchanged in the budget amendment.

Total tax earnings had been set at 2,515 trillion rials in the first draft.

After the rejection of the first bill, the government added 250 trillion rials to tax revenues in the amendment. (1USD= 242,800 rials on Sunday, March 07, 2021)
