TEHRAN, Sep. 21 (MNA) – Prof. Suzuki says that US failure at the UNSC is the result of the country's unilateralism and lack of legitimacy, adding that Trump's reelection will mean Americans endorse unilateralism.

The Trump administration claims that it has activated the snapback mechanism while E3 and Russia and China have rejected the White House claim.

In this letter penned to the UN secretary-general and president of the UN Security Council, Iran reminded that in response to the US move, not only none of the members of the UN Security Council acknowledged the authority of the US to activate the snapback mechanism and return UN sanctions on Iran, but also through individual or joint letters were written to the President of UN Security Council, 13 members have categorically rejected the legal credibility and acceptance of the US letter in this regard.

To shed more light on the issue we reached out to Kazuto Suzuki vice dean and professor of international politics at Public Policy School of Hokkaido University, Japan.

Following is the full text of interview with him:

From your point of view, is the US move lawful?

Legally speaking, the US could have the right to submit its notification to the Security Council by the letter of the UNSCR 2231.  However, its legality is not accepted by most Security Council members and the international community.  It may be legal but not lawful.

Why does Trump focus on the Iran issue at the UNSC despite opposition from different countries even from the US allies in Europe?

US is demonstrating that it is doing everything to please its anti-Iran and Pro-Israeli supportersI think it is a political act in order to please his supporters who are mostly anti-Iran/pro-Israel.  Even if snapback is taken place, the arms embargo based on UNSCR may not have the full extent of implementing power because there are many states which do not agree with the decision. But the US Administration does not care about its effectiveness. It is demonstrating that the Administration is doing everything for its supporters against all odds.

What are the reasons behind the US failure and isolation at UNSC?

Unilateral action is not the way forward to build international consensusLack of legitimacy and the consequence of taking unilateral action.  The power of UNSCR can be generated from the willingness of the international community as a whole. International law is not like domestic law.  It has to be backed with the willingness and commitment of the international community.  Unilateral action is not the way forward to build international consensus.

How do you see the consequences of the US administration’s unilateralism for world peace and stability?

It depends on the election in November. If Mr. Trump is reelected, the world would see that the American people endorsed his policy of unilateralism, which eventually creates a hostile environment for many countries and eventually undermines international peace and security.  If he loses, there is a chance that the US can rebuild its international reputation and bring back peace and security in the international arena.

Interview by Payman Yazdani