TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (MNA) – Brigadier General Fatollah Jafari Head of Martyr Hassan Bagheri’s Institute said that sanctions imposed against Iran caused the country to make eye-catching progress in the defense industry.

Speaking with Mehr News Agency on Thursday, Jafari pointed to the salient achievements and successes of country’s defense industry despite restrictions and sanctions and added, “In my opinion, sanctions brought about suitable condition for the country to advance its power in the field of defense.”

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran’s Army was heavily dependent on US and UK but after the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution, these two countries did not support Iran, he said, adding, “under such circumstances, they (US and UK) themselves waged war against Iran.”

For this purpose, “we were forced to produce weapons and arms for defending the country which is the salient achievement of sanctions,” he highlighted.

Today, Iran’s defense industry power owes its success to the war which was imposed unjustly against the Islamic Republic of Iran, he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Brigadier General Jafari pointed to the undeniable and key role of people in the development of the defense industry and reiterated, “the leading role of people and light- and heavy industries of the country should not be ignored in the progress of country’s defense industry.”
