TEHRAN, Jun. 05 (MNA) – Tehran has reiterated its support to the Syrian government and nation, calling for the removal of all sanctions, which have hampered Damascus' efforts in the reconstruction of the country.

“Iran announces its support to the Syrian nation and government, and strongly urges the lifting of all inhumane sanctions against this country,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Friday.

He termed the increase in the EU and US sanctions against the Syrian people “an illegal and inhumane act”, saying, "The most negative consequences of such sanctions will be inflicted upon the Syrian people and ordinary citizens.”

Mousavi cited sanctions as an inhumane act that directly endangers human rights.

The spokesman underlined the need for immediate removal of sanctions so that the warn-torn country can meet its people’s basic needs and reconstruct the damages caused by the Western-backed terrorist groups with the help of the international community.
